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relative terms 相對詞語〔例:strong, weak〕。


The innovation of this article lies in : l ) it indicates that china has the special requirements to perform the strategic trade policy , such as industrial basis , market structure , great - nation characteristic , etc . 2 ) it points out china should make fully use of external scale economies . 3 ) it ' s high time to take strategic protection to our industries based on complete understanding of relative terms of wto 本文的創新之處在于: 1 、指出中國具備實施戰略性貿易政策的特殊條件:產業基礎、市場結構、大國特性等; 2 、提出中國的貿易政策應以戰略性貿易政策為基點,充分利用外部規模經濟優勢; 3 、認為采取的政策措施一定要在完全理解wto有關條款的基礎上,靈活、有效、合理、合規的對本國產業實施戰略性保護。

This project includes five parts . the first part introduces the general situation of the research in bilingual education except clarifies some relative terms and cognitive theory about bilingual education . the second part gives a literature review about the cooperative learning and analyzes the differences between cooperative learning and “ teacher - centered “ learning 第三部分在生物雙語教學中實踐和嘗試合作學習的基礎上,針對小組人員的任務分配、思維與語言能力培養等三方面問題以課堂教學案例提供的方式探討廠合作學習策略在生物雙語教學中的運用價值。

In the investigation to determine whether increased imports have caused or are threatening to cause serious injury to a domestic industry , the competent authorities shall evaluate all relevant factors of an objective and quantifiable nature having a bearing on the situation of that industry , in particular , the rate and amount of the increase in imports of the product concerned in absolute and relative terms , the share of the domestic market taken by increased imports , changes in the level of sales , production , productivity , capacity utilization , profits and losses , and employment 在確定是否存在嚴重損害或嚴重損害威脅時,主管機關應評估影響該產業狀況的所有有關的客觀和可量化的因素,特別是《保障措施協定》第4 2條( a )列舉的因素。由于嚴重損害的定義是針對整個產業而言的,所以主管機關必須考慮進口增長對國內產業造成的“重大全面損害” ,而不能只考慮產業的某個部分。

But british language scholar david graddol says english will probably drop in dominance by the middle of this century to rank , after chinese , about equally with arabic , hindi , and urdu , a south - asian tongue closely related to hindi . he points out that the decline will not be in total numbers of english speakers , but in relative terms 但是英國語言學家戴維格雷德爾認為到本世紀中葉英語的主導地位很可能有所下降,位居漢語之后,與阿拉伯語北印度語和烏爾都語一種與北印度語十分相近的南亞語言的地位相差不多。

Therefore , the paper comparatively systematically concludes the relative terms from the origin of civil laws , on the ground of which the paper analyses and compares the current situation of civil laws applying to protecting the media consumers interests in our country , and then puts forward some ideas and suggestions aiming at solving the existing problems from six aspects of legislation , judicature , consumer groups , media consumer self - protection and so on 因此,論文從民法淵源的角度較為系統地歸納了我國法律、法規中有關媒介消費者利益的條款。在此基礎上,論文從國內已有的案例出發,分析和比較了我國在保護媒介消費者利益民事法律適用方面的現狀,并針對其中的問題,論文從立法、司法、消費者組織以及媒介消費者自身保護等六個方面提出了一些看法和建議。

In the circumstances , the take home pay for the workers affected , even if they were lucky enough to have managed to seek alternative employment , must have gone down in relative terms and most likely in absolute terms as well 在此情況下,受影響工人即使較幸運能找到其他工作,但其相對以至實質收入也很可能較以往遜色。

Further examples of the three kinds of indicators and inspiration for development of indicators are given in gri and iso 14031 . indicators could be presented in absolute or relative terms 請參閱global reporting initiative及iso 14031所載以上三種參數的其他例子,此外并可參考各種有助構思參數的建議和意念。

Part one starts with a brief introduction to the purpose and significance of the study , followed by the explanations of the “ texture “ and the “ text “ and some other relative terms involved 第一部分介紹了本項研究的目的和意義,解釋了語篇結構及部分相關術語的概念,并簡單介紹了有效閱讀和閱讀技巧。

In other words , one can reasonably expect price and cost differentials between hong kong and near mainland to be , in relative terms , greater than that between , for example , london and the north of england 換言之,香港與鄰近內地地區之間物價與成本的差距,相對來說應該會比倫敦與英格蘭北部的差距為大。

This reflects that the problem of regional air quality has not improved much in relative terms , and its impact on the air quality in hong kong is particularly serious under certain meteorological conditions 這反映區域性的空氣污染情況仍未改善,在特殊氣象情況下,這對本港空氣質素的影響尤為嚴重。

Some groups have defined poverty in relative terms and attempted to draw a poverty line by relative levels of wages or family income between different groups in the same economy 有些團體采用相對貧窮的定義,按同一經濟體系內不同組別的工資或家庭收入的相對水平,嘗試厘定貧窮線。

Of course , security is a relative term ; you will have to make some decisions as to the security requirements of your users 當然,安全性是一個相對的術語;您必須作出一些關于用戶安全性需求的決定。

The enemies we fight are only enemies in relative terms , constantly changing along with the times (我們打擊的敵人只是相對意義上的敵人,它是隨著時局的變化而不斷改變著的。 )

China ' s defense expenditure is low in relative terms , as well as in absolute terms 中國國防支出的低水平,不僅反映在國防費的絕對值上,而且也反映在國家國防負擔的相對比例上。

Their performance should be assessed in relative terms , and not just by low rates of return 我們評估他們的表現時,不應只眼于回報率的高低,而是要從基準回報的角度來衡量。

China ' s spending on defence is low in relative terms as well as absolute terms 中國國防支出的低水平,不僅反映在國防費的絕對值上,而且也反映在國家國防負擔的相對比例上。

This is a major achievement because , in relative terms , planets are very small and do not emit light 這是一個重要的成就,因為相對來說,行星很小,而且也不發光。

East is a relative term , for example , france is east of england but west of italy 東方是個相對的名詞,譬如說,法國在英國的東方,卻在意大利的東方

An increase in imports means imports increase in absolute and relative terms 進口增長是指進口數量的絕對增長和相對于國內產量的相對增長。